The bilingual adventures of a Latina filmmaker in Movieland
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October 02, 2012
RUMOR: Would American studios be acquiring TV networks in Brazil?
News published this week in the Brazilian media say that two major international conglomerates attached to American studios would be interested in buying the third and fifth TV networks in Brazil.
According to magazine Veja, one of the most influential outlets of the Brazilian press, media mogul Rupert Murdoch would be discussing the acquisition of SBT network in association with the wealthiest man in Latin America, Brazilian Eike Batista. Murdoch News Corporation is the world's second-largest media conglomerate and owns Twentieth Century Fox, The Wall Street Journal and the major Brazilian cable and satellite television distributors Sky and DirecTV.
SBT - Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão (Brazilian TV System) is the third in national audience and it is owned by Silvio Santos, a famous Brazilian TV host. Its programming relies on imports mainly from Mexico and the U.S.. The network has an agreement with Warner Brothers, giving it an exclusivity deal for its sitcoms, dramas and films. In addition to Mexican soaps and their remakes, the channel also airs Brazilian versions of shows such as American Idol, Supernanny and Deal or No Deal (presented by Santos).
According to Uol, the largest news website in Latin America, the acquisition of Rede TV (TV Network) by the Brazilian branch of Sony Pictures would be on the table as well. Rede TV is the fifth on the national ranking and has been through a financial crisis in recent months. The sale would be one of the solutions.
Brazilian soaps audience is
equivalent to the Superbowl
The audience in Brazil of the soap operas is equivalent to the Superbowl in the U.S., with the difference that is stable and daily while the American event is held annually, pointed out the marketing director of Rede Globo, Anco Saraiva. Rede Globo is the second-largest commercial TV network in annual revenue worldwide, behind just of ABC, and one of the largest producer of telenovelas.
According to Saraiva, Globo's novelas reach 160 million people per month. He pointed out that watching soap operas is considered the third largest Brazilian habit, second only to eat and sleep. "An audience as the one generated by the soaps in Brazil is not seen in any other country, and the market should take advantage of that," said the director, who participated in a panel during the event MaxiMídia today.
- Eike Batista pode ter Rupert Murdoch como sócio no SBT, diz Veja
- Rede TV pode ser vendida para a Sony Pictures, diz Uol
- Audiência das novelas equivale à do Superbowl
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