The poor and brave cousin of 5Ds and 7Ds | A prima pobre e valente das 5Ds e 7Ds |
At a Brazilian filmmaking discussion group, another colleague asked me:
Piggybacking on the subject ... I always see people commenting on the 5D and 7D but never speaking of T2i. What's the big advantage of 5D/7D compared to the T2i?The difference is basically the size of the sensor and the materials used to manufacture the equipment. Knowing that T2i costs less than half the price of the 7D (which is cheaper than the 5D), you can take your conclusions, right? I don't need to draw, do I? One of my teachers says the T2i sensor is half of 5D's.
Despite that, I have friends who are great defenders of T2i camera. They say at naked eye the difference in image quality is virtually non-existent if you know how to circumvent the limitations of it. Wich I don't if I can truly believe.
1. What's the best camera?
2. What's the difference between Canon and Panasonic?
4. What about miniDVs?
Ainda no grupo de discussão sobre cinema, uma colega me perguntou:
Pegando carona no assunto... Sempre vejo as pessoas comentando sobre a 5D e a 7D, mas nunca falando da T2i. Qual a grande vantagem da 5D/7D em relação à T2i?A diferença está basicamente no tamanho do sensor e nos materiais usados para confeccionar os equipamentos. Sabendo que a T2i custa menos da metade do preço da 7D (que é mais barata que a 5D), dá pra concluir, né? Não preciso desenhar. Um dos meus professores disse que o sensor da T2i é metade do a 5D.
Tenho amigos que têm a T2i e são grandes defensores da câmera. Dizem que, a olho nu, a diferença de qualidade de imagem é praticamente inexistente se você souber driblar as limitações dela. O que eu não sei se acredito muito.
1. Com que câmera eu vou?
2. Qual a diferença entre Canon e Panasonic?
4. E as miniDVs?
Woops! not the size of the processor but the size of the sensor, Gabriela! By the way I've made tests with both cameras (5D and T2i) image quality is almost the same (I even prefer T2i's saturation) and the workarounds you talked about are simply some calculations on lens, paralax, etc. For me, the only difference between them is the robustness of the body and pieces, their life time and of course, price. Personally I prefer the 7D but a T2i for professional filming is great too (tv commercials, short films, etc). I've seen Robert Rodriguez using two T2i.
That's true, Gabriel! T thought of sensor and wrote processor. Excuse my English! LOL
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