The bilingual adventures of a Latina filmmaker in Movieland
lifestyle • screenwriting • filmmaking • NYFA • Los Angeles
May 22, 2011
Watch 'The Psychic' trailler here! | Veja o trailler de 'A Vidente' aqui!
Here's the trailler of "The Psychic" (IMDb), shot in Los Angeles and Rio de Janeiro. I'm very proud of having worked as script supervisor. Lots of fun with all the Brazilians on set. And it looks great, isn't it? I'm looking forward to see the entire short film! (Read full article about the shootings here.)
Gente, olha o trailler de "A Vidente" (IMDb), filmado em LA e no Rio. Tou super orgulhosa de ter trabalhado como continuísta. Divertidíssimo trabalhar com uma brasileirada aqui em LA. Tá show, num tá? Tou doida pra ver o curta completo! (Leia post sobre as filmagens aqui.)
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