April 24, 2011

My short film on LABRFF this week | Meu curta no LABRFF esta semana

My short film -- Synergy -- is gonna be screened this week at the 4th Los Angeles Brazilian Film Festival, wich will take place from Apr 27th to 30th at the Landmark Theatre. LABRFF is dedicated to showcasing the art and talent of Brazilian filmmakers in USA.

My screening will be held on Saturday (30th) at 1 pm at Landmark Theatre - Westside Pavilion (10850 W Pico Blvd Suite 520 Los Angeles, CA 90064). Another film that I worked on as script supervisor -- The Psychic (A Vidente) -- will be screened at the same place on Friday (29th), 8 pm.

Last week, Synergy won the 2011 Merit Award from the Awareness Film & Arts Festival (May 5th-8th at Regent Showcase, Hollywood). In February, my film was also screened at the 26th Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Market (France). Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival is the world's premier cinema event dedicated to short films. It's the second largest film festival in France after Cannes in terms of audience and professional attendance.

Meu curta-metragem -- Synergy -- será apresentado esta semana no 4º Los Angeles Brazilian Film Festival, que acontece de 27 a 30 de abril, no Teatro Landmark, aqui em LA. O LABRFF é dedicado a mostrar a arte e o talento dos cineastas brasileiros nos EUA.

A sessão será realizada neste sábado (30) às 13h no Landmark Theatre - Westside Pavilion (10850 W Pico Blvd Suite 520 Los Angeles, CA 90064). Outro filme no qual trabalhei como continuísta -- A Vidente -- será exibido no mesmo local na sexta-feira (29), às 20 horas.

Na semana passada, meu curta-metragem ganhou o 2011 Merit Award no Awareness Film & Arts Festival, que acontece de 5 a 8 maio no Regent Showcase, em Hollywood. Em fevereiro, meu filme foi exibido também no 26º Mercado de Curtas de Clermont-Ferrand, na França. O Festival de Curtas de Clermont-Ferrand é o maior evento do cinema mundial dedicado a curtas-metragens. É o segundo maior festival de cinema na França depois de Cannes, em termos de audiência e participação de profissionais.


Anonymous said...

what is Synergy about Gabriela? and are you coming back to Brazil afterwards or satying in the US any longer?

Unknown said...

Hi, Diogo!

Here's the Synergy synopsis: "The regional sales manager Amelia Lockheart expects a big promotion, after working hard in the merger of the company. She disputes the position with her coworker, Constantine Matters. The competition intensifies when they get stuck with a stranger in a conference room."

I'm staying longer for a program called OPT. See more about it here: http://www.brgirlinla.com/2011/04/how-can-foreigner-get-filmmaking-work.html

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